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Hong Kong in Red


Okay, so picture Hong Kong photography. Now, think of the color red. Got it? That’s what you see all over the place, especially with the taxis. They’re like big red dots moving all around the city. During the day, these red taxis are zipping through streets, standing out against the yellow lines on the road and all the people walking around. It’s like they’re dancing to the city’s beat. When the sun’s out, these taxis look super shiny and cool against all the busy stuff happening in the background.

Now, when it gets dark, that’s when things get really interesting. The red taxis look totally different at night. All the bright signs light them up, making them look like they’re part of a movie set. The red color looks even more wow under all those lights.

Photographing Hong Kong red taxis at night is awesome. You can catch them parked on quiet streets, and it really shows how the city is both super busy and calm at the same time.

Whether it’s day or night, these red taxis are like the main characters in Hong Kong’s story. They really show what the city’s all about!


Anledry Cobos
