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Istanbul Girls Photos


Istanbul’s this cool place where old stuff and new stuff mix. And the coolest part? The people, especially the girls. I’ve been taking lots of pictures, and wow, each one tells a little story about the city. You see women wearing colorful head coverings, just hanging out in the market. Then you’ve got others rushing around the streets. But they all have this quiet strength about them. It’s like they’re all part of this big, beautiful mix of old and new.

I caught some really neat moments on the busy streets and on buses and stuff. This one lady was looking out a tram window, just thinking her thoughts. It was so peaceful compared to all the crazy busy stuff around her. Sometimes it’s the little things, you know? Like how the sun makes everything look warm and pretty when it hits a woman waiting for the bus. Or how elegant the women look when they’re walking through the big, busy markets.

The women here, they’re like the heart of Istanbul. Each picture I take shows something special about them. It’s like they’re what makes this city so… Istanbul.


Anledry Cobos
