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Looking Around in Taipei


Picture this: Looking Around in Taipei these super tall buildings mixed in with some pretty natural light. It’s like old and new all smooshed together in one cool view.

When I’m out and about with my camera, I can’t help but snap pics of these big buildings against the sky. It looks different depending on the time of day, which is pretty neat. Sometimes it’s all misty and soft, other times it’s lit up like a Christmas tree.

And the best part? How the buildings and light work together to tell a story. Taipei 101 is the star of the show – it’s this huge tower that looks like something out of a fairy tale when the sun hits it just right. Whether it’s warm sunset colors or cool blue evening light, it’s always a stunner. It’s like the city is saying, “Hey, I’m modern and all, but I still love nature!” Pretty cool, right?


Anledry Cobos
